'Hide and Seek' for The Bridge Guard Art and Science Residency

Skrývačka – Bújócska – Hide and Seek

Dom strážcu mosta – Hídőr-ház – Bridgeguard Residence
Pri colnici 2 – Vámház-köz 2
Štúrovo – Párkány

12 Marec – Március – March 2018
18:00 - 20:00


Hide and Seek is a presentation of work produced during my six month studio residency at The Bridge Guard Art and Science Residency in Sturovo, Slovakia.  The exhibition showcases an experimental body of work that explores patterning and colour clashing as a simultaneous means of camouflage and pronounced visibility. Expanding on my continuing inquiry into masking and bodily play, this new body of work relates the  awkward process of blending in and standing out within a foreign environment through the lens of childhood games and the performative nature of non-verbal communication.

'Consider one of life's original situations: that of a "hide 'n seek" game. What a thrill to be hidden while someone's looking for you, what a delightful fright to be found, but what a panic when, because you are too well hidden, the others give up looking for you after a while and leave. If you hide too well, the others forget you. You are forced to come out on your own when they don't want you anymore. That is hard to take. It's like turning too fine a phrase, so subtle that you are reduced to explaining it. Nothing is sadder than having to beg for existence and returning naked among the others. Therefore, it's better not to know how to play too well; it's better to know how to let others unmask you and to endure the rule of the game. Not too fast, not too late.'
                                                                                                     Jean Baudrillard 'Please Follow Me'

Final Installation


