AiR Sandnes studio work

I was lucky enough to be accepted for the AiR Sandnes program for a six week stay. 
During my residency I became inspired by the soft light of the Norwegian summer and the subtle textures it brought out.
I scavenged second hand shops and parks and hardware stores. I became obsessed with muted tones, pre-loved towels, beige sponges, hand held mirrors and mud. 
I thought about bodily rituals, domestic habits, private play, shared personal spaces.  
The slippery distinctions between clean and dirty. 
About daily abject flirtations.
The bodily stews of the shower floor.
The following images are a combination of video stills, sculptural and installation experiments made during my stay. Xx

deep clean. heavy load. damp and fragile on the bathroom floor. the smell of wet dog. don't drop the soap. flicking that rat's tail around like you own the joint. bone dry. moist towelette. it always ends in a fight. flung across the room. running down the drain. you'll have to speak up i'm wearing a towel. shrivelled prune. dirty mind. chuck it in the smelly pile. still not clean. drip dry. a damp trail. vagueing out against the tiles.add more warmth. asleep in the bath. nose on the tip. liquid touch. wet and bored and lazy. wyd? i'm big in japan. naked and famous. add it to the mound. the filth I left behind. last night's stains. let me slip into something more comfortable. casual elegance. second skin. hung out to dry. sun warmth. beach sized. i've got nothing to wear. chipped teeth and porcelain. budget luxury. 100% more absorbent. emotional sponge. prone to leakage. steam on the vanity. open pores. shrivelled ego. every fibre of my being. against the grain. pastel draped on peach. scrub. tone. shave. moisten. smother.  rinse. lather. repeat. pat dry.  wipe back the steam. a thin film. a fragrant scum. take a cold shower. crumble in a heap. a pile of shit. i will never be clean again. down the drain with the best of them. 









